Welcome to the Series of 6 Workshops
The Series of 6 Workshops were developed to help people understand a variety of different methods of healing, to help students understand their behaviors, relationships and to give them tools to move forward in their lives, leaving behind the unwanted feelings, thoughts and behaviors.
We developed these workshops originally for our clients to have a better understanding of themselves before or during their therapy. To help gain the knowledge needed to make the shift, allowing them to learn on their own and use therapy for healing saving them time and money by learning the essentials first.
The series of 6, were so popular with our clients and students that we felt we should give access to anyone who wants to change their patterns, behaviors, relationships and even themselves.
Knowledge is Power, you must first understand, reflect and change your habits to change your perception.
R2R workshop is a shorter version of our R2R intensive course, offered with our Basic Hypnosis course
workshop is an hour long audio or video designed to give people the tools to recognize their self talk, thoughts and how they may be holding themselves back. We offer some exercises in this workshop for students to work on their own behaviors, thoughts and beliefs about themselves and maybe others in their lives. To recognize a pattern of behavior that may need to change in order to bring a different result into their lives.
Please download the 21 principles to keep on your fridge, at school or at work to help remind you of what is really important and to stay living a life of honest, integrity with yourself and others.
Certificate of completion is available after completing this workshop.
Self-Talk and Reframing: This workshop is part of our Basic Hypnotherapy course but the information is essential to begin to understand what we do and say to ourselves without even realizing it at times. If we don't recognize it then we can't change it. Self talk is a talk behavior, it can affect your self esteem, your personal and professional relationships without even realizing it. If you are aware of it, if you can hear it, you can change it. Do the exercises included with this workshop to bring it to the surface, then you will be able to start practice talking different to yourself and others. If you change the way you look at things, things you look at will change. (Dr. Wayne Dyer)
Words are powerful, so be careful of the words you use to talk to yourself. If you want more information, look on you-tube for Dr. Emotos water and words experiment or watch the movie "What the Bleep do you know". These both have powerful meanings behind them.
We hope you enjoy our workshop Self talk and reframing.
The 5 Love Languages: this workshop was created after the book "The 5 Love Languages" written by Gary Chapman. We included this workshop because understanding your love language and being able to recognize others language can have a major impact on your personal, professional and intimate relationships. Understanding how to fill others love tanks is essential on having productive and respectful relationships with people. Many do not think about improving your work relationships with understanding other people love languages but it is essential for people to feel heard and be understood, if you deflate others love tanks they stop listening and learning. Imaging if you understood how to fill your own love tank and did not have to rely on anyone else to make you feel loved or understood?
Please feel free to download any of the exercises to help you to continue the work of understanding yourself and others, which will only grow your own understanding of yourself and others to a place of compassion and love.
Understanding Chakras: We included this workshop to help our student to better understand the connection between our emotions, thoughts and our physical well being. We are energy, everything is connected, by understanding where we have chronic illness or pain this workshop may help you to better understand where you are blocked.
A great book connected to this idea is by Louise Hay "You Can Heal Your Life"